Your Wild is your beauty and your forbidden is your power.

Goddess Isis

“The shaman has long been the archetypal image of one who knows how to use higher love and wisdom to navigate between the worlds of matter and spirit.  Shamans are shape-shifters who know how to open to bigger energies in the cosmos, find larger answers to problems and challenges, and bring healing to themselves and their communities.

In traditional shamanism, the shaman is sometimes referred to as the wounded healer–one who has survived a number of trials and initiations and returned to share the teaching, healing, and wisdom gained from those experiences.  Intimately connected to the elements, the cycles of change, the spirit world, and the eaerth, the shaman knows that we are all multidimensional beings living simultaneously on many planes of existence…

For many tribes the shaman is traditionally the guide who assists others in discovering their wholeness and healing.  Knowing that all healing has its origins in the spiritual realms, and that without Divine intervention true healing does not occur, shamanic healers feel compelled to heal and to help others to heal as well, whether on the physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual plane.

They were, and are, essential spiritual guides who teach tribe memebers how to die consciously and rebirth themselves into a greater reality.”

– Shamanic Breathwork, Linda Star Wolf


works with the Power of Love and Beauty embued with ancient feminine wisdom to bring about alchemical healing and transformation, for individuals, groups and communities.

She teaches Feminine Shamanism,  The Art of Transformation and Creative Soul Expression through direct experience of the Sacred Arts.

She leads ceremonanial gatherings to bring individuals and groups into direct relationship with Spirit and deep connection with their own inner WILD ESSENCE.

Awaken Your Inner Shaman

We all have access to the Wise One within, the ‘one who know’, the ancient shape-shifter that instinctively sheds its skin, to die to what it has known to be reborn.   Many people have lost their connection with this inner being, the Shaman Within; just has collective humanity has lost its connection to Mother Earth and the greater Web of Life.  This WILD, wise part of us is still inside patiently waiting to be uncovered, all it takes is an open mind, a loving heart and a willingness to shift in consciousness.

Feminine Shamansim

What we call shamanism is essential feminine consciousness, a truth reflected in an old indegenous proverb from the Chuckee traditions that says, “woman is by nature a shaman.”

– Womb Awakening, Azra & Seren Bertrand

There is an ancient energy calling from the depths of our being, asking to be re-birthed through women at this time.  It is a vague, but alluring memory of another way to live, the haunting of another life.  It learned to adapt and move through time to evade being snuffed out.  It is a pattern from “the time before.”  It is emerging to the surface of humanity, for those who seek and know how to “see”.


A New Kind of Spiritual Community


Group Gatherings

Shamanic gatherings and healing circles. Let’s bring our Soul Family together with intimate, joyful celbrations of being alive.  Klarissa offers live pop-up events to honor the Spirit of Life.  Enjoy rooting into your body-mind-soul while nurturing connection with Mother Earth and others through the heart, music, movement and ceremony.

Private Sessions

Klarissa offers private sessions for spiritual guidance and wellness to individuals who are SINCERELY interested in TRANSFORMATION.  Each session provides comprehensive guidance for physical-emotional-mental-spiritual wellBEing.  Sessions may include: spiritual guidance, etheric-subtle energy work, heart & soul alchemy.


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